Dale Bertrand Featured on Earned Media Podcast

On the latest episode of the Earned Media Podcast, Fire&Spark Managing Director Dale Bertrand talks to digital marketing consultant Eric Schwartzman about cause-related SEO, the future of technical SEO, and the role of thought leadership and building your rankings.


Mission-driven SEO is about building authority.

So brands with a purpose centered around their products, or a mission behind their company just naturally do better.

Their purpose gives them a reason to create content that resonates with customers and influencers who are passionate about their cause.

Brands that have a mission that is purposeful get noticed, written about quicker and linked to quicker. And since Google measures those links, they build rank through authority.

“We really want people to understand that in order to leverage this purpose-driven SEO strategy, you do need a purpose. And it does need to be authentic,” says Dale.

But your cause need not be social. It can be a business cause, a productivity cause, or a customer service cause. Any cause can work. But you have to fully understand and appreciate the approach.

For the complete interview with Dale Bertrand on mission-driven SEO, subscribe to the Earned Media Hour.

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