Summit Recap: The Story Behind Every Purchase: Growing Ecommerce Sales With Content

At the May 12 Fire&Spark Ecommerce Marketing Summit, our panel of experts shared their strategic insights about understanding the story behind every purchase by abandoning the idea that conversion is a linear journey, focusing on timeliness with your content by forecasting audience intent, and engaging in purpose-driven link building by creating content that people want to share and highlight. Watch the full webinar recording below:

If you’re short on time, here are some highlights:

Conversion is no longer a linear journey that can be mapped to a marketing funnel. Consumers discover your content from a variety of different channels and at various stages of the buyer’s journey- they need to be able to go up, down, or sideways to fully understand your product or solution through your content.

Treat the buyer’s journey as a playground. Consumers can enter and exit as they desire, go in any order they want, and engage with content the “wrong way.” Consider content depths to create a seamless journey.

Consumer attention is like a spotlight. Consumers’ attention is so scattered that individual ecommerce sellers are in the ‘spotlight’ for only a short period of time. Timeliness matters! Start focusing on the ‘when’ with your content, and not just the ‘where’ and ‘why.’

Forecasting audience intent is the most accurate kind of forecasting. Using audience data from Google Trends, SEO tools, and other sources, you can figure out search patterns using statistical software and machine learning. Timing your content with the ebbs and flows of search volume for specific keywords can dramatically increase your revenue.

Backlinks are a trustworthy signal to Google. Links are a public vote of confidence in your content and are difficult to obtain from high authority sites (making them the most valuable). As Google’s AI cracks down on unnatural links, focus your link building efforts on high value influencers and organizations, sites that don’t usually link to ecommerce brands, and targeted outreach rather than spam.

Leverage purpose-driven content in your link building campaigns. Build an authentic purpose behind your brand that aligns with consumer values, advocate for a specific and opinionated position to get noticed, and build campaigns around citable content that people want to share and highlight.

***A special thanks to our speakers who made this event successful: Ashley Faus and Christopher Penn.***

Read the complete notes from the event here to learn more about effective content strategies that will effectively reach your audience and increase sales. Ready to level-up your digital marketing strategy and get more conversions out of your ecommerce content? Talk to a strategist to get started.

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