Summit Recap: You’re Making the Wrong Content: Clever Ways to Reach the Online Generation

At the February 17 Fire&Spark Ecommerce Marketing Summit, our panel of digital marketing experts shared their strategic content ideas for grabbing attention online from the right audience. Taking a look at SEO content marketing, resonating with Gen-Z, and building a craveable brand, we discussed effective and valuable ways to gain more attention from the online users that matter most: the ones who are ready to buy. The full webinar recording can be accessed here.

If you’re short on time, here are some highlights:

SEO is domination over optimization. Most technical optimizations won’t improve a website’s SEO ranking on their own. The top search results dominate the environment, getting the most clicks and organic traffic. To dominate your SEO strategy, put your focus into authority building.

Self-sustaining content drives search engine visibility. Building a community on your website, such as a forum, will lead to high engagement and user-generated content. Google’s algorithm will notice and will push your website higher on search results.

Marketing to Millennials is not the same as marketing to Gen-Z. Although often grouped together, these two generations are vastly different. Gen-Z consumers absorb information almost twice as fast and are far more entrepreneurial and financially conscious.

Gen-Z consumers dive deep into their interests. After relying on creators and algorithms to recommend topics of interest, Gen-Z users easily become obsessed with ideas that capture their attention, spending hours or days on a specific topic.

Relationships drive brand success. A company’s relationships with their customers, partners, and employees are extremely valuable. Strategic relationship marketing will lead to a craveable brand with a community of advocates, referrals, and collaborators.

Content strategy should follow a framework. In addition to boosting engagement, posting strategies such as personalization, open conversations, evident brand style, and industry relevance will lead to successful content.

***A special thanks to our speakers who made this event successful: Sarah Weise, Jessika Phillips, and Dale Bertrand.***

Ready to capture attention online and level-up your content marketing strategy?

Read the complete notes from the event here to learn more about strategic content marketing for online consumers.

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