Jewelry SEO Services

Jewelry SEO Services

Your goal is to craft and showcase unique, state of the art pieces. Our goal is to get your pieces in front of paying customers with our tried and tested SEO services.

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In today’s competitive market, SEO is no longer a superfluous service but a necessary tactic to stay ahead of the other brands in your industry. This is especially true for jewelry websites. The online jewelry sector is incredibly aggressive, and to break into the top search results you need seasoned experts to get your foot in the door.


The jewelry industry has unmatched search interest to tap into. For example, the keyword “diamond rings” alone yields 40,000 searches per month. Not investing in SEO is a huge missed opportunity for jewelry brands that are striving to enhance their online presence.

How Our Jewelry SEO Services Will Elevate Your Brand

With experience working with a variety of clients in the jewelry industry, we have worked on websites selling anything from handmade beaded bracelets crafted by female artisans in developing countries to high end custom jewelry pieces. While the products our clients sell are different, there is one commonality between them all: they come to us because they are having trouble breaking into the very competitive SEO terrain.

To break into the competitive jewelry SEO space, we know our clients can’t afford to waste time prioritizing SEO tactics that won’t move the needle. While some SEO agencies recommend dedicating hundreds of hours to lower impact fixes, we know your money and resources are more valuable than that. That’s why, using our SEO for Revenue methodology, we only focus on conversion-driving tactics that will lead to meaningful business growth. We believe that the SEO strategies worth pursuing are the ones that increase revenue, not just rankings.

Book a Free Consultation With a Jewelry SEO Expert

Our Jewelry SEO Services That Move The Needle


While it’s important to identify which keywords have the highest search volume, it’s even more important to make sure that those keywords match the intent of the page you want to rank.

  • Understand the search intent of keywords you are targeting. We evaluate the keywords you are currently targeting that lead to rankings, but not conversions. Does the ranking page match the search intent of users searching for that keyword? For example, while “white gold chain” seems like it would be a good keyword to target on a product page, the keyword’s search intent shows a collection page would be a better fit.
  • Identify new purchase intent keywords to target. We develop a keyword strategy that ensures we only target search result pages that align with your product offerings. We take action based on your customers’ search behavior, rather than blindly follow SEO best practices


We start with conversion strategy before developing content strategy. As a result, you will develop an intimate understanding of your customer.

  • Identify what information customers need to make a purchase. We research what information customers need to make a purchase decision and ensure that information is featured on your website. For example, if users looking to buy a gold necklace are considering 22K vs 24K products, it would be important to have a resource on your site evaluating the differences between 22K and 24K gold.
  • Align CTAs with your users’ journey. Based on your understanding of your customers’ motivations and pain points, we create custom call-to-actions with messaging that aligns with their search intent. Since jewelry is often a higher consideration product, we identify what other goal conversions (aside from purchases) would be valuable to nurture the customer to the point of sale.


While technical SEO is important, most agencies recommend investing excessive time and money into technical fixes that don’t move the needle. We only prioritize addressing technical fixes that will lead to meaningful organic visibility and revenue.

  • Audit for technical issues. We develop a prioritized list of show stopping technical issues that need to be addressed in order for your site to thrive organically. We understand that some technical fixes do not yield the results to justify the time or resources.
  • Monitor your site’s technical SEO hygiene. We consistently monitor your site to ensure that if any new high-impact technical issues pop up, we address them in a timely manner before they affect your website, not after.


What’s the reputation of your products from your own website? Do you have any online presence that can vouch for your brand? We create a strategy to build authority and credibility around your brand.

  • Grow a community around your brand. How can you reach influencers and customers that will resonate with your mission and brand? We help build a community around your brand through influencer campaigns, reviews, and content that isn’t only valuable to SEO, but to all of your brand’s channels.
  • Engage with current and potential customers. We create content and assets on your website that help current and potential customers answer questions about your brand and products, showing Google that you are the ultimate thought leader in your space.


We evaluate your existing collection and product pages to understand the best optimization opportunities and whether new collection pages should be created.

  • Google Merchant Center optimizations. We identify keywords in your space that have high purchase intent and feature Google product listings in the search results. Then, to obtain Google’s free shopping listings, we optimize structured data, incorporate target keywords into Google Merchant Center product feeds, and more.
  • Conversion assets. After we identify the best purchase intent keywords for collection pages, we identify the crucial information customers need to make a purchase decision. Then, we figure out how to incorporate that information into Shop or Resource pages without compromising on the style and design of the page.


Do you have existing content on your site that is not performing or leading to conversions? Our content team will audit all of your existing content, uncover untapped opportunities for new or existing content, and help build out content that performs.

  • Competitor strategy gap. We take a deep dive into your SEO and product competitors to identify their content marketing strategy. Then, we find the gap that competitors in your space are not capitalizing on.
  • Alternative content format creation. As much as blog content can perform, oftentimes blog content is resource intensive and doesn’t lead to conversions. That’s why we identify if there are alternative content formats that will cost less to create and will lead to revenue. This could include product comparison pages, niche audience pages, and more.

Are Our Jewelry SEO Services Right For Your Website?

Focus on & Revenue, Not Just Traffic

Getting a lot of traffic, but not a lot of purchases? Maybe you’re focusing on the wrong kind of traffic.


Oftentimes, SEO agencies are hyper focused on rankings without considering the revenue impact of those rankings. At Fire&Spark, we developed our SEO for Revenue methodology to ensure that we only focus on keywords and SEO tactics that will lead to revenue and business growth. 


We also want to make sure that our optimizations fit into the design and flow of your site. Creating an SEO optimized website does not mean compromising the look and feel of your website. When SEO recommendations do not match your website’s flow, it can leave the pages looking awkward, keyword stuffed, and unnatural.

Case Study

Tiny Tags Yields an 11x ROI With A Community Building SEO Strategy

Tiny Tags, an online retailer specializing in pendant jewelry, wanted to increase the sales of their engraved “mom” jewelry. With its multi-pronged approach, Fire&Spark™ was able to take Tiny Tags from $6,000 in monthly revenue in 2016, to over $100,000 in 2018.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jewelry SEO

How Do I Get Followers For My Jewelry Business?

A great way to get followers is through consistent posting, aligning your content with what your target audience is looking for, and working with influencers. Another way to grow your customer base is by utilizing digital marketing tactics such as SEO, email marketing, social ads, and more.

What Is Digital Marketing For Jewelry?

Digital marketing in the jewelry industry helps to promote your products online and grow your customer base. Digital marketing for jewelry employs tactics like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, newsletter and email marketing, affiliate and influencer marketing, and more.

How Do I Promote My Jewelry Website?

  1. Deep dive into your customers’ pain points.
  2. Build out your target persona.
  3. Grow social media presence on platforms your target persona uses.
  4. Optimize your Shop pages for SEO.
  5. Create content pieces that answer questions potential customers have.
  6. Collaborate with influencers to grow brand awareness.